Michael Dumin - ESR1
Michael Dumin is an early-stage researcher at the work group Bio- & Chemical Systems Technology, Reactor Engineering and Safety (CREaS), Department of Chemical Engineering (CIT) at KU Leuven. As part of the ETN – CHARMING, his project topic is “Chemistry and chemical-engineering concepts for kids”. In this context, fundamental chemical principles are translated into intuitive activities, so that children can learn basic concepts in a playful approach.
He finished his Master’s degree in Chemistry with focus on Organic-, Inorganic and Biochemistry at the University of Regensburg in Germany, 2017. During his Master Thesis, he investigated the performance of a recently developed exopolysaccharide screening platform at the Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber, Technical University of Munich. In Regensburg, he also finished his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Throughout the Bachelor Thesis at the Chair of Organic Chemistry of Prof. Dr. Burkhard König, he synthesized six new flavonoid derivatives as potential highly selective ABCC1 inhibitors.
Before starting as an ESR at the KU Leuven, he could gather various experiences in teaching and mediating while working as a school tutor in natural science subjects. Moreover, he undertook a pilgrimage in Spain on the Camino del Norte to Santiago de Compostela.