Philippe Chan - ESR11
Philippe Chan is an Early Stage Researcher for the ETN-CHARMING ESR11 project: ‘HSE training through a serious gameʼ. This project investigates the exploitability of new training and educational methods for in-company Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) training by implementation of a serious game using immersive technology. The aim of this project is to educate and motivate employees in the chemical industry about HSE procedures in an innovative way. This research will be performed at the chemical multinational enterprise Arkema in France with a strong collaboration with KU Leuven.
Philippe is a recent graduate from Ghent University in Belgium where he obtained his degree of Master of Science in Chemistry with a major in Materials Chemistry. During his masters thesis, he investigated a wet chemical deposition of vanadate thin films for the use of transparent electrically conducting applications. In his student years he was also actively involved in several student associations where he was a treasurer and board member. Now, he is a passionate and highly motivated researcher with great interests in both chemistry, game development and instructional psychology.
The ETN-CHARMING ESR11 project is a perfect fit for his interests and is an excellent kick-start for his future international career in the chemical industry.