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CHARMING presents the Fabulous Soap Making Challenge

The Charming project presents the “Fabulous Soap Making Challenge”, a game developed by a team from the members of the project. The game is produced as an example of immersive learning tools in chemistry and chemical engineering education.

The game is a casual, single-player resource-managing game. In the game, the player produces and sells soap. The player plans, organizes, and executes the chemical process, and controls and manages it over time. The player buys ingredients, operates devices such as heaters and vessels, and buys and sells items in a shop. While the concrete challenge is to produce soap, the player also needs to be aware of second-order aspects, such as questions of efficiency and capacity utilization. The educational content is integrated with the gameplay. The intended learning outcomes include an understanding of chemical processes, needed materials, and time durations.


Google Play Store for Androids: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Soap2D.SoapChallenge

App Store for iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/65hE27bw

The game is currently compatible with Android and IOS.

Contact: Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath, ITU Copenhagen (dace@itu.dk)

Last update: 11.02.2022

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