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Network Wide Event 7: Bringing Charming to England

Following the Easter holidays, the CHARMING early stage researchers (ESRs) met for the biannual event that brings together the ESRs, supervisors and members from partner organisation. This time the meeting took part in the north east of England. Newcastle University hosted this event on the lovely Newcastle Helix innovation centre.

Newcastle University Helix


This hybrid event saw some of the ESRs attend in-person while others joined over Zoom. The event started as usual with presentations from the ESRs. A lot of progress and achievements were recorded since the event at Lyon. Prototype completions, publications, and results disseminations were in their numbers. Some ESRs were already writing up their theses with plans to submit in a few months. Others were already planning for life after CHARMING with job interviews scheduled and business plans in mind. One of the ESRs shared his business idea following his research project. Philippe amazed everyone with his ideas, confidence and eloquent communication. He got constructive feedback and suggestions on how to improve his plans.



The event came to an end with a training on Value Creation (entrepreneurship) by Katie Wray. She made everyone think about their interests, skills and impact in order to identify passions and purpose. The ESRs also had a look around the historic city of Newcastle including the Quayside and Newcastle University’s Armstrong building. They also enjoyed some fish and chips by the sea.


This NWE would be the last of its kind as the CHARMING project draws to an ends in a few months. All the ESRs would have ended their contracts with CHARMING by the beginning of Autumn, however, some have had a few months extension from their respective institutions to finish up their PhDs. It was a bittersweet moment saying goodbyes and wishing each other well as everyone travelled back to their countries of residence with no clue as to when a meet-up like this would happen again.

In all, it was a very successful event, thanks to our hosts Prof Jarka, Dr Fernando, Ryo and Chioma. The weather was also far from British on the days with brilliant sunshine and clear skies from morning to dawn.

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