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G.E.L. – Game Editor for Learning and supporting material

The Game Editor for Learning The Game Editor for Learning (G.E.L.) is an extended version of Felgo’s Platformer with Level Editor specially designed for an educational strategy through which chemical engineering students create platform game levels collaboratively for learning. The experience is held in ...

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Network Wide Event 7: Bringing Charming to England

Following the Easter holidays, the CHARMING early stage researchers (ESRs) met for the biannual event that brings together the ESRs, supervisors and members from partner organisation. This time the meeting took part in the north east of England. Newcastle University ...

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Immersed in Technology

The European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) organized its first Science Slam during the European Congress on Chemical Engineering 2021. Our CHARMING researcher Sofia Garcia Fracaro won the first prize at the competition. After the competition, Sofia was interviewed about ...

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Sofia’s pitch at Falling Walls Lab 2021!

Only 15 MSCA researchers were selected to present their research topic, innovation, breakthrough and social initiative in a 3-min pitch each at The Falling Walls Lab MSCA event. CHARMING ESR Sofia Garcia Fracaro was one of them! And she could ...

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Immersive Chemistry Podcast Episode #12

Immersive Chemistry Podcast Episode #12: Bringing chemistry to the classroom with a VR fume hood Abstract Sanne van Loenen has been researching game technologies such as virtual reality to create immersive experiences for young children in the context of chemistry. ...

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